Hin-tien Temple
Located in central Taipei city, Hin-tien Temple is one of the biggest and most famous temples in northern Taiwan. It is not crowded by tourists, though, as it is not famed for age or its architecture; it was set up in 1968 with an elegant but primitive and unsophisticated style. It is always crowded by disciples who seek god's help on a variety of wishes, from peace, health, wealth, to career or academic success.
The temple serves Guangong, a Chinese general some 1,800 years ago who are famed for his loyalty, righteousness, herculean fighting and heroism...
Front view (from outside the outer wall)


Another angle

Mail box

Side door

The inscribed board was calligraphy of the late high official and calligrapher Yu Yo-jen who invented "modern running script"...

Main hall in smoke

A taoist chanting prayer on her knees in front of the main hall


Ceiling of the canopy has been blacken by smoke

Corner of the canopy

People waiting to be soothed

Soothing is one of the traditional Taiwanese tricks to calm down kids that often snivel for no obvious reasons.

Last picture, red flowers...

I took the pictures under the scorching sun near noon, so the contrasts are high in most cases. But the film, Fuji Natura 1600, is pretty scotopic, explicating dark areas very well, though it looks very grainy if enlarged. Next time I shall bring some high-speed black-and-white film and try to catch a more lambent light.
Nice shot.
It's amazing that the dark area performance is excellent! For example, " Main hall in smoke". The statues in the temple appears indistinctly but not become an whole blak area. The architectural design and artistic carving below the eaves in many pictures are clear.
In the past I thought that the Natura 1600 is unsuitable in strong sunshine because the color shifts. These pictures illustrate that it might not be film issue. I should use my camera to try it again.
wow~~ 真的好特別
主門香煙那張, 我覺得煙霧繚繞的感覺可以再強一些, 是絕跟主題性會更好吧
就是在拍直幅的時候, 會讓人覺得左右壓縮的視覺感不大舒服, 該看到的一些東西被硬性的切除了
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